We pride ourselves on delivering a client experience that we call the
Dunham Law Difference.
What does this mean for our clients and referral partners?
Insightful and Practical Counsel
There are plenty of smart lawyers out there. However, if they don’t focus on delivering advice that really matters in a way the client can use it, or they haven’t seen the situation play out in real life, this is of limited client value.
When faced with a client situation, we don’t assume it’s like other situations and offer a cookie-cutter solution. We invest the effort to quickly understand the facts, the risks and benefits facing the client, the relationships and personalities involved, and the client’s personal risk tolerance and goals. This allows us to dial-in on what’s truly important for the client to consider. We then help clients understand the various options (and likely outcomes) and keep them focused on the most important considerations throughout the representation.
We also rely on the practical experiences our lawyers have gained from personally starting, operating, financing and investing in our own businesses and real estate ventures. We supplement this with strategic insight we gather through personal contacts and public sources.
For example, if we identify that the biggest risk to the client’s success is a lack of experience in a particular area, we get them in contact with a potential partner or consultant who can fill this gap. If we identify that, no matter how well we draft a contract, the client will have an expensive mess on their hands if an unproven party doesn’t deliver, we facilitate performing valuable due diligence on the party before the contract is signed. If we identify that a client’s desired estate plan can be accomplished, but as proposed will unnecessarily cause division among the family after the client’s death, we offer plan alternatives and facilitate constructive family dialogue.
Dunham Law clients are also used to receiving advice from us in a clear and direct manner, such as, “If I were in your shoes, I would …” or “Knowing you the way I do, I think you should ….” We avoid frustrating lawyer doublespeak and constant hedging like, “On the one hand … , but on the other hand ….”
Strategic and Diligent Execution
Whether working on a transaction, establishing an estate plan or handling a litigation dispute, we don’t simply react and go with wherever the flow might otherwise take our clients. Having been down this road before, we work with our client’s other advisors to put in place a practical, strategic plan that works. For example, we consciously take advantage of the important momentum when a client (finally) gets around to calling us for estate planning by making the next steps easy. To keep expenses to a minimum, we automate routine portions of the practice with state-of-the-art technology, such as online client intake forms and automated document generation. We avoid wasting time and money trying to futilely resolve disputes when the other side is not yet open to a reasonable resolution. As much as we try to help our clients avoid litigation and resolve disputes as soon as possible, we also recognize that sometimes the more cost-effective approach is developing our case in court, so the other side can clearly see what’s in store if the matter isn’t resolved. We think about the right type, tone and length of documents to use that increases the likelihood that a contract actually gets signed or transaction closed, while still adequately protecting the client from realistic, material risks.
We also know the importance of hard work and timeliness to a successful transaction, effective estate plan or litigation resolution. Our clients are used to receiving emails from us early in the morning, late at night and over the weekends. Similarly, we schedule calls and meetings outside normal business hours when that’s what it takes to achieve our client’s goals.
Personally and Locally Connected
We approach the practice of law as a calling to serve our clients and community. We sincerely care about our clients and their businesses, employees and families. We are there with them during their successes and disappointments. We pray for them and, at appropriate times, with them.
Similarly, we serve and are engaged with our community and those who shape it. Almost all of us are lifelong residents committed to this area with wide and deep contacts.
Developing these sincere, trustworthy relationships helps us to better understand our clients’ needs, provide objective, accurate advice, identify client opportunities and challenges, and receive ethical assistance when our clients need it.
Let us show you the Dunham Law Difference.
Large Law Firm Expertise.
Insightful and Practical Counsel.
Strategic and Diligent Execution.
Personally and Locally Connected.